Sexually transmitted diseases | A3BOOk

Sexually transmitted diseases

There are about 20 of such diseases identified so far.some of them,which are common are below.
This is transmitted by HI virus.symptoms may appear in about two to fifteen months.this may be fatal and cannot be cured.this is transmitted by sexual secretions,blood,mother to baby during pregnancy and breast feeding as well.
This is transmitted by a virus called Herpes simplex.highly painful blisters on sex oragans are the symptoms.this inactivates the nervous system and this has no permanent treatment.
this is transmitted by bacterial called Treponema pallidum.after about tgree months of infection ,painless blisters appear on sex organs.they anre automatically cured.after about six months,fever and painin throat appears.if treated in early stages this disease can be cured.
This is transmitted by a bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoea.Secreations fromsex organs,pain,blockage of fallopian tube are its symptoms.this can be cured in first staged.if not treated blindness and lameness will occur.
Posted in Educational on May 29 2022 at 02:24 PM
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